Best Soup is Simple Soup

Who would have thought? When things are done simple, everything turns out to be alright. We live in a world with more information being tossed around (social media, email, Slack, etc.) than ever before and unsurprisingly that brings consequences. An abundance of information narrows our attention span and this “abundance of information” is a synonym of the internet, so it’s not going away any time soon.

With attention spans decreasing your goal when communicating should be to reduce cognitive load by making things concise, easy to digest, and to the point.

The next time you write that email, publish that report, send that text, or explain something, think of ways it can be done simpler. The best soup is a simple soup. Mom, grandma, your boss and clients will appreciate that you’re a more effective communicator.

What is Legacy?

Legacy is not something you can fully control, feel or touch. It is the essence of a person’s last breath.

Legacy is what’s left behind: work, values, traditions, and memories.

In a world where it’s impossible to not leave a digital footprint, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that family trees in the future are going to provide a lot more insight into a person’s life than what we’ve seen.

Legacy is one of our only chances to choose HOW we want to be remembered by future generations. If we focus on bringing positive impact (i.e. legacy) maybe we will be remembered.

To The Market

Anywhere you go, markets will be there. How you market yourself, how you market others, how you market your business. A byproduct of having markets so prevalent within our society puts a never-ending pressure to ensure you adhere to market principles.

 One of the most powerful market principles is conformity.

You can’t fight it, it is a feeling that grows within your very core whenever you step out of your comfort zone. Call it nervousness, call it discomfort, call it whatever you want but if you succumb to this feeling, you will never be great.